Deep dive into brain imaging

ImekaTM lets you see white matter like you’ve never seen it before

At last: high-quality DTI for clinical use.

By combining advanced white matter imaging with AI, Imeka’s 510(k) cleared clinical software, ANDI, analyzes white matter in greater detail than any other software available to healthcare professionals. And it’s ready to be used in your practice.
Discover ANDITM

The only DTI report of its kind.

Go from raw data to a comprehensive report with ANDI. Our proprietary, fully automated, and validated quantitative clinical software performs all the steps required to create a streamlined report ready for clinical use.

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Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Proven science.
Proven technology.

Our validated clinical software is backed by years of R&D with the world’s top pharmaceutical companies and MRI manufacturers. We are committed to continuing the development of ANDI while validating novel biomarkers to push our clinical tool even further.

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Colleagues working together

We are white matter experts.

Neuroinflammation. Axonal integrity. Myelin integrity. White matter health. We see all that and more—at a level of detail that is unmatched in the industry. Rely on our expertise in TBI, AD, MS, and other white matter pathologies.
About ImekaTM

News and updates

RSNA booth 2023 photo

We’ll be at this year’s ASNR!

You can meet us at ASNR in Philadelphia, May 17-21 2025, to discuss quantitative MRI and introduce our new and advanced technology— ANDI.

Learn more…
Brain scan: Orange and pink brain fibers

Imeka’s technology featured in new publication

An independent article titled “Predicting recovery in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and a normal CT using serum biomarkers and diffusion tensor imaging (CENTER-TBI): an observational cohort study” was recently published in eClinicalMedicine, part of The Lancet Discovery Science.

Read the article
Diffusion Tensor Imaging

ANDITM featured in new publication

An independent scientific article about ANDI has been published in BMC Neurology by Dr. Cyrus Raji and his team from the Washington School of Medicine.

Read the article…

Let’s work together!

Our goal is to help clinicians make their patients’ lives better, one image at a time. Let’s talk about how ANDI can benefit your patients.
Contact us